


adjusting labels in Gantt view ...

Added by philippe david about 13 years ago

all issues are prefixed by 'issue # xxx' where xxx stands for the issue id. To be able to manage the issues numbers and for specific needs, I want to incorporate an issue Id in my issue title and thus remove the '# xxx' from the prefix.
What is the required changes (ie in which file ?) I need to make to perform the adjustment ?

thanks for any help or any hint

Replies (2)

RE: adjusting labels in Gantt view ... - Added by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago

Check lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb #subject_for_issue method; it calls the app/helpers/application_helper.rb #link_to_issue method to render the issue subject line.

Also, keep in mind that the #link_to_issue method is used at several locations in the application.

RE: adjusting labels in Gantt view ... - Added by philippe david about 13 years ago

thanks a lot: this was not obvious to me since I am not familiar with Rb.

I got what I wanted : thanks again
