


Git reposotory doesn't update statistics

Added by muzahi h over 13 years ago

My system's data:

What i've done in steps:
  1. creating a project;
  2. creating /var/git and placing one bare git repo there;
  3. include repo support to the project and bind that repo to it;
  4. writing vhost for apache with perl module for Redmine auth;
  5. patching that module for smarthttp support;
  6. cloning one github repo from example;
  7. Redmine sees it and displays all commits and revision data properly; works fine; feel of happiness;
  8. main (non-bare) repo was get up through gitosis;
  9. bare repo was erased from disk with all /var/git;
  10. main repo was bare cloned and placed to /var/lib/redmine/repos/my_bare_repo
  11. due to inaccessible to edit field where bare repo is placed, DB was modified to redmine->repositories->url and redmine->repositories->root_url was changed to display the current place of bare repo;
  12. bare repo sync with main repo;
  13. files and revisions appear properly, but statistics, (i. e. commits, repo users, changes per month/user) — all that leaved by old repo I cloned for a test. And new commits I do aren't displaing.

Could anybody help to fix it?