


A bit slow ? Is cache ok ?

Added by Steph0 Steph0 about 13 years ago

Hi there,

I like Redmine, it is a great app, very powerful.

I recently installed it on a Debian Squeeze. I use an Apache2 with Passenger to run Redmine app.

But I do not know if I did something wrong, because, everytime I connect, I mean, wait I try to access a page after more than 5 minutes without clicking somewhere in Redmine, Redmine is a bit slow.

It is just like the first time you connect after restarting the redmine app, it seems that it is loading the app. However, if it's normal after a restart, it is not at each connection. And after this first connection, Redmine reacts in a normal way until I stop using it for 5 minutes. I didn't had the problem before on my PC with WEBBrick, and an Apache2 with Passenger cannot be slower than WEBBrick I guess.

So I was maybe wondering if there was something about cache or something like that, or if it is because my server is not enought powerful. I do not know how to check performances of my app, or which folder of Redmine I should check for permissions or something like that.

I use the option "Cache formatted text" to improve it already a little bit.
