


Read mails, cid: -attachment view problem

Added by Tommi Rintala about 13 years ago

When email is retrieved from (IMAP) server and a issue is created from it, the mail interface tries to use plain text version of email as issue body. Usually this is good approach. But I found out that if email is created with some no-brainer software, the plain text content of text body looks like this (indentation added for clarity):

some text, blaah blaah blaa
some more text, blaah blaah, blaa

The cid -link is in the message because writer has added an image to email. The image itself is stored as attachment (in email), which is handled correctly by the email handler and an attachment for image is created to issue. The message itself is Mime-1.0 compliant and parts/attachments are correct (in RFC sense).

However, the cid -link is translated (during view phase) into 'mailto:' -link. It would be more informational (useful), and probably more correct, if the link pointed to attachment. I checked from the database, and in the issue body the text is still in [cid: xXX] -format.

How should I approach this problem, in order to solve this in "correct" way so, that I could suggest a fix for Redmine? Do I need custom output formatter, for example?

Could someone point me some advise what would be the correct layer, library or part, where this change should occur. Of course I don't want to break anything else.

yours sincerely,
