


Forced Logout when adding parent Ticket

Added by Tino D about 13 years ago

I'm on v1.2 (on debian - update not possible at the moment)

When editing a Ticket and setting a parent task, than save the issue, I see the login-page. The parent is not added to the issue.
Is that a known problem? can I work around that?


Replies (2)

RE: Forced Logout when adding parent Ticket - Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago

I'm also having the same issue; I'm on version 1.0.5.stable (MySQL). If I try to add a parent task to a ticket that was already created, I'm logged out of Redmine and when I log back in, the parent wasn't saved.

Both tickets are in the same project, with the same start and end dates. Has there been any progress finding out the source of this issue or a workaround?

RE: Forced Logout when adding parent Ticket - Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago

SOLVED: If anyone has this issue, it's due to your login settings. When I log into Redmine with the option "Stay logged in" selected, I don't get booted when adding the parent task. Not sure why these things are related, but I hope this helps anyone with a similar issue.
