


Application Settings

Added by salman salmani almost 13 years ago

One of the application settings in Redmine is determine the size of inline text files :

Max size of text files displayed inline KB

It provides a way to limit the maximum size of text files which are display inline.

I want to know when I change this size what happend in my applications?
And what 's the meaning of "inline text file" exactly?

The other setting is :

Max number of diff lines displayed

It provides a way to limit the maximum number of diff lines which are displayed by Redmine.

What are the "diff lines" in Redmine?


Replies (1)

RE: Application Settings - Added by salman salmani almost 13 years ago

I found many subjects about inline image but there aren't anything about inline text file and that what it is! so about "diff lines".
Please help me about these.
