


creating tickets via mail and get mail confirmation but _only_ two mails when created and closed

Added by Juliane Conradt almost 13 years ago

Hi all,

as i want to use redmine for a helpdeskworkflow, we set it up to enable the creation of tickets via mail. This now works fine, the only thing that bothers me is that i can either choose that the creator does not get any confirmation that his ticket got created or that he gets notification mails on each and every change that is done with the ticket regarding its status. We need to update the status several time e.g. if someone does not know the solution or is on sickleave etc and then the users get too many mails.

Anyone an idea how to configure it so that there are exactly two mails sent: one, that the ticket has been created and one, that it has been closed?

Thanks so much for any ideas, Jule