


Configuration files are sensitive to space with Passenger

Added by penkerch christophe almost 13 years ago

For instance if there is a space before production: in configuration.yml
a error is generated by Passenger saying that "Ruby on Rails application could not be started"

In Error message it is showing where there is the syntax error:

Error message:
syntax error on line 142, col 1: ` production:'

Replies (1)

RE: Configuration files are sensitive to space with Passenger - Added by penkerch christophe almost 13 years ago

penker christophe wrote:

For instance if there is a space before production: in configuration.yml
a error is generated by Passenger saying that "Ruby on Rails application could not be started"

In Error message it is showing where there is the syntax error:

Error message:
syntax error on line 142, col 1: ` production:'

- Ruby implementation and version: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302)
- Rails version (gem list): rails(3.0.10, 2.3.11)
- Operating system: debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
- Database used, and its version: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.49
- Ruby-aware server used: Apache2 with Passenger (3.0.8)
