


subversion - revision history not showing

Added by Eric C almost 13 years ago

I have added an SVN repository URL, username, and password to my project. Viewing the 'Repository' tab of the project screen displays the current contents of the repository. However, there is no 'Revision History' below that like I have seen in some other examples. Is there something I need to do to enabled that? Or should it show by default?

If it should show by default, what sort of things would cause it to not display, even though the site is clearly able to connect to my SVN server? I have looked at the production.log and see only this:

Processing RepositoriesController#show (for XX.XX.XX.XX at 2011-09-29 17:44:28) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"identifier-001", "controller"=>"repositories"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering repositories/show
Completed in 2784ms (View: 29, DB: 4) | 200 OK []

Clicking 'view all revisions' shows zero entries (the repository is at revision 20).

The site is running on a shared hosting environment, with svn v1.6.11. I do have shell access.

My *nix knowledge is incredibly limited, and I only managed to get redmine installed due to a walkthrough. So whatever your advice is, assume I don't know anything about what you are talking about, and step thru it for a total beginner :-)

Replies (1)

RE: subversion - revision history not showing - Added by Eric C almost 13 years ago

In fact, I don't really want the file list to even show - some way to hide the current repo contents and show JUST the revision history would be nice. Or at least move the revision history to be at the top, and the files below it.
