


How do we upload files to project Files section via a script? (instead of manually via a web browser)

Added by Michael McIntosh almost 13 years ago

I am a software developer that recently begun to investigate Redmine's viability for replacing our current approaches to issue tracking and project management. We are pleased with what we see so far, and wish to automate some of the work we do to automatically push updates to our Redmine install directly from shell scripts.

The use case is that we share a Redmine installation with our client and when a new data build has completed, we want to push a generated build report to the project Files section as well as update News informing project members that a new data build has completed and that the report is available at a location in the project Files section.

Redmine documentation on its RESTful interface seems to have a good amount of details on how to query Redmine for information, but it seems to lack complete details on how to actually post information. We understand the whole API key aspect, but what we cannot find details on is how we upload files and update news for a project programmatically.

We're primarily a Python shop, so Python code or a curl example would be a great start for us if doing such a thing is possible.

Thank you for your time!


Replies (1)

RE: How do we upload files to project Files section via a script? (instead of manually via a web browser) - Added by Etienne Massip almost 13 years ago

AFAIR, you can't post attachments with REST API right now.

Needs to be confirmed, though.

You could host them separately and post a news with an external / relative link for the moment?
