


Upgrade and changing platforms

Added by Dave Ford over 13 years ago


Our current install is old - v0.7.1 - on Solaris SPARC. I have a new install (v1.0.1) on RHEL5. I have no idea how the previous guy got this thing built on SPARC, though I've tried feverishly for months. What are my options for an upgrade path? What I'm looking for is a direct path to the newer version, which I suspect doesn't exist. Shall I install 0.7.1 on the RHEL box, move a copy of the DB (MySQL) over to the RHEL box, and do an upgrade?

Any information here would be greatly appreciated. I'm an Oracle DB and have very little experience with any of this, so please do not perceive my ignorance as being lazy.


Replies (1)

RE: Upgrade and changing platforms - Added by Dave Ford over 13 years ago

Resolved on my own. A simple Google search of Redmine upgrade. While I'm here, I'd like to take a moment to say to the developers "NICE JOB". Incredibly easy and powerful upgrade. For those that are interested, I:

1. Completed my build on the new server, including the creation of the Redmine DB (to test functionality)
2. Drop Redmine DB
3. sqldump of old DB
4. create new, empty DB on Redmine DB
5. import sqldump
6. run the following commands to do DB upgrade and purge cache:
rake generate_session_store
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
rake tmp:cache:clear
rake tmp:sessions:clear
7. started webrick server back up

