


Support page on own homepage

Added by Kasper Laudrup almost 13 years ago

Hi there,

In order to track support requests from our customers, we would like to integrate support requests with Redmine, since we already use that for tracking issues internally.

In order to do that I was thinking about having a support form on our own homepage and then using that form to directly create issues in Redmine.

While that does indeed seems possible with the rest API, it doesn't seem like it is possible to create new issues for a specific user. In other words, ideally I would like to create a user for the customer and create the issue for that user, so the customer can track the progress on the issue.

I would think we haven't been the first ones to consider this kind of Redmine integration, so I am suspecting I might be handling this the wrong way.

Does anyone else have some good ideas on how to integrate Redmine more directly with customer support?

Thanks a lot!