


Public pages no longer available, loops to login page

Added by daniel Mulrooney almost 13 years ago

Hi, I've had the latest Redmine 1.2 deployed for over 2 months now with no real issues.

Sometime last week whenever a user attempts to connect to the public site they are automatically redirected to the login page To see this connect to and it redirects to

If I look in the admin pages, the site is marked public

here is the output from scripts/about

About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-linux)
RubyGems version 1.6.2
Rack version 1.1.1
Rails version 2.3.11
Active Record version 2.3.11
Active Resource version 2.3.11
Action Mailer version 2.3.11
Active Support version 2.3.11
Application root /home/redmine-1.2
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20110511000000

About your Redmine plugins
Advanced roadmap & milestones plugin 0.5.1
Embedded 0.0.1
Redmine ezSidebar plugin 0.1.1
Bots filter 1.01
Google Analytics plugin 0.2.0
Redmine Codebook plugin 0.3.1
Redmine Hudson plugin 1.0.7
Meta tags 0.0.2
Customer plugin 0.2.0
ezFAQ plugin 0.3.5
Redmine ezSummary plugin 0.0.1