


Using Apache Cache with Redmine

Added by Daniel Morgan almost 13 years ago


I am currently tuning Apache to improve performance.
One of the things I am hoping to achieve is to activate the cache module in Apache.
I am still in the process of reading up on mod_cache / mod_disk_cache and several sites explaining the usage.

So far, I have not found much information on anyone sharing their settings with an Apache/Redmine setup.
Can anyone share their expertise/experience on such a setup?

The following Apache settings are what I am planning to use:

CacheRoot /cache
CacheEnable disk /redmine
CacheDirLevels 6
CacheDirLength 3
CacheDefaultExpire 86400
CacheMaxExpire 86400
CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie

My concern is whether the cache should be limited to static objects such as images.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.