


Fresh install, results in downloading file?

Added by John McMullen almost 13 years ago

I am using hostgator webhost, and have recently installed redmine. However, when i navigate to the url i have redmine forwarding to, it prompts me with a download option (a .part file, that has a bunch of HTML in it).

I made some changes to the .htaccess, and i managed to get the html to display within the browser...but its still not working properly.

I am completely ignorant in the ruby on rails environment.
I had redmine working on my own personal server, but i was attempting to consolidate it to be on the same site as the actual project.

Any help or further troubleshooting methods would be greatly appreciated!

(NOTE:: i already spent a great deal of time with hostgator's support, but they said it was a rails 'programming issue', which they can not help with. they then directed me to contact the redmine creators, because the problem was in their code).
(NOTE 2:: I followed this ( step by step guide for installing, except i did the svn co, from the redmine's download site in order to get the files onto my server.)

If anyone needs any more info, or examples to help fix this for me, i'd be glad to provide.