


500 on upload and settings

Added by Matt Rogowski over 12 years ago

Our installation of Redmine was done a bit wrong; started off with SVN code but ended up being installed via apt-get install redmine which installed 1.0.5. I've recently been trying to get it to 1.2.2 (I am aware 1.3.0 is the most recent version) and have two problems. It is on SVN code now but uploading attachments to an issue leads to a 500 error and the settings page in the admin area leads to a 500 error too, but there's nothing in any logs explaining why; I don't really know where to look or what to look for. Furthermore a recent server upgrade upgraded our 1.0.5 installation to 1.1.3 (as it was still coming from the Ubuntu repos; the 1.2.2 version I'm trying to get working is using a separate file system) which created another set of problems as some features on that are now broken. What would be the suggested method to try and get a working installation; I'm thinking to just backup the DB and uploads and install 1.3.0 fresh but just seeing if there's anything else to try.

As per the sticky:

Ruby: unsure what is being asked for when you want the implementation but ruby --version produces 'ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]'
Rails: 2.3.14
OS: Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-15-server x86_64)
DB: MySQL 5.1.58
Ruby-aware server used: must be Webrick :)
Redmine is running via Apache/Passenger

If anyone can give any pointers it'd be appreciated.