


REST-API for Dummys (python)

Added by Hannes Meier over 12 years ago


i got stucked with the REST-Api. Till now i used the "redminews"-lib for python and it worked for basic ticket-creation.
But now it comes to a point where i could need more advanced options, that i cant get run with redminenews.

Therefore i want to start with that PyActiveResource-Stuff but it s a big mysterium for me.

Can somebody give me some hints how i can understand this?
I would love to create issues with different trackers.

When i "get it" i promise i try to update the redmine-wiki with some stuff for other beginners like me!
i m not a programmer-pro, so it s hard for me to help the "redmine-community" in a big way.
But documenation would be a issue where i could try to help.