wiki single edit section
Added by Jose Mari M about 13 years ago
When new version 1.3.0 was released, one of my favourite enhancements was the new editable wiki sections. This feature simplify a lot the edition for long (or very long) wiki pages, but, [noted in Revision r2222 (Single section edit)] I'm unable to show this wiki section links for edit sections.
I don't believe, but could it be necessary a special syntax in section titles?
I installed a fresh 1.3.0 version without success. What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
Replies (4)
RE: wiki single edit section
Added by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
No special syntax is needed. A little "edit" icon should show up to the right of your heading.
Do you use the default textile text formatter?
RE: wiki single edit section
Added by Jose Mari M about 13 years ago
No, i've installed fresh version without any modification.
I put in wiki this text and obtain as result image attached
h1. Test wiki sinle edit section h2. Section 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... h2. Section 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... h2. Section 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... h3. Section 3.1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... h3. Section 3.1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... h1. Other main section Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...
RE: wiki single edit section
Added by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
I can't see if the edit links are present on your screenshot. They should be on the right, but at the end of each line.
RE: wiki single edit section
Added by Jose Mari M about 13 years ago
Sorry, the screenshoot is not usable :-(
I've installed a new fresh 1.3.1 and 'voilà', edit icon appears. Why this don't appears in a 1.3.0 version is near a mistery but i've my solution.
Thanks for all