


When sending an email to update an issue, how to remove older replies in content

Added by a b over 12 years ago

Dear all,

As this is my first post here, let me tell you that Redmine is a great tool I'm happy to use for one year now.
I'm still discovering new ways to use it, and the last one is how to update an issue by email, more specifically add a comment by sending an email. I find this is a very nice feature as it allows me to keep track of discussions related to an issue.

The only disadvantage is that when in an email reply, if you don't remove the previous replies from your email body, the comment it will create for your issue will contain everything, so after few replies the comments will start to be large and repetitive.

So is there a way to deal with this? I see two possible solutions:
- filter the mail content to create comments with only the last reply
- or keep creating large comments but modify the display to fold the content of the comment ( so each comment would by default show only the most recent part of the message, but you could unfold the rest to see the full comment )

Thanks for your help.
