


OutputURIResolver Cause: net.sf.saxon.trans

Added by ray fan over 12 years ago

Hi Michael Kay,
As you indicated , I just polished the origional problem statement and posted it here.
When compiling a set of XSLT version 1.0/1.1 style sheets using SAXON 9, I encountered with error as follows :
Exception thrown by OutputURIResolver Cause:: Resolved URL is malformed

Before which a number of other errors had been surpressed and one of which in question is explained below:

Below reveals an extracted version of a full log of the latest Ant Build failure:
Processing started...
Initialize log directory and file name...
Validate and init input arguments...
[echo] *********************************************************
[echo] * basedir = D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare
[echo] * dita.dir = D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare
[echo] * input = D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\workset/GUID-C9CA7357-CBA3-43B3-A4B2-B977AD1B7D1E.ditamap
[echo] * transtype = mobilewebguidenxt
[echo] * tempdir = D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\workset/temp
[echo] * outputdir = D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\out
[echo] * extname = .xml
[echo] * clean.temp = no
[echo] * xslt.parser = SAXON
[echo] * HTMLHelpCompiler = ${HTMLHelpCompiler}
[echo] * pdf.formatter = ah
[echo] *********************************************************
Preprocessing started...
Clean temp directory...
GenMapAndTopicListModule.execute(): Starting...
[pipeline] Using XERCES.
[pipeline] Using Xerces grammar pool for DTD and schema caching.
GenMapAndTopicListModule.execute(): Execution time: 2.61 seconds
Generate file list...
Copy necessary files needed for the computer web output...
DebugAndFilterModule.execute(): Starting...
[pipeline] Using Xerces grammar pool for DTD and schema caching.
[pipeline] Using Xerces grammar pool for DTD and schema caching.
DebugAndFilterModule.execute(): Handling file GUID-54F20824-43B5-4CE1-8EA2-400F1CB13716.xml...
Execution time: 1.188 seconds
Debug and filter input files...
Move metadata entries...
Resolve conref push...
Resolve conref in input files...
[xslt] Loading stylesheet D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare\xsl\preprocess\conref.xsl
[xslt] D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare\xsl\InfoShare\xslhtml\ditamap-transformation.xsl:36: Error! D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\workset\temp\GUID-30956BCB-576E-4180-9CE4-044B7E9474A3.ditamap (The system cannot find the file specified) Cause: D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\workset\temp\GUID-30956BCB-576E-4180-9CE4-044B7E9474A3.ditamap (The system cannot find the file specified)
[xslt] Loading stylesheet D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare\xsl\InfoShare\xslhtml\clean-up.xsl
h3. [xslt] : Fatal Error! Exception thrown by OutputURIResolver Cause: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Resolved URL is malformed [xslt] Failed to process D:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-75CD4383-F94E-49AA-8182-9776535F8522.20120214202004701\1\en\workset\temp\toc.ditamap
Processing ended.


To help you get more background information, the other errors suppressed and resolutions are described as follows:

First problem:
Fatal error [xslt] D:\InfoShare\App\Utilities\DITA-OT\SEMC_InfoShare\xsl\InfoShare\common\infoshare.filesystem.xsl:133: Fatal Error! There is more than one method matching the function call file:new, and there is insufficient type information to determine which one should be used
I attempted the following in line with your post entitled Test if an (image) file exists at

modified the problematic XSL either by
From: <xsl:value-of select="file:exists(file:new($filename))"/>

To: <xsl:value-of select="file:exists(file:new($filename as xs:string))"/>

Or change the line 132
<xsl:param name="filename"/>
<xsl:param name=" filename as xs:string "/>

But the above solutions did not come through, which led me to disable all calls to the named template file-exists. This affects a number of different XSLs.

The second problem and its solution:
@herf attribute is not allowed in Document() ; Changed all occurrence of document (@href, ) to result-document(@href, ).
In case the switch from document() to result-document() is problematic, please could you advise how to fix the error that @href is not allowed in Document()? in the XSL where the exact problem was complained about, its version reads ' <xsl:stylesheet version="1.1" xmlns:xsl="">'.

The Third problem and its solution:
XHTML namespace is not declared in transform.title.xsl Solution : Declared it.