


Cannot add users to groups after version update

Added by Dave Shellenberger almost 13 years ago

I have an issue updating Redmine 1.1.1 to 1.3.1. I'm unable to assign issues to groups.

I started with a production instance and a rather stale dev instance. I rehearsed the update process on the dev instance and was able to see groups in the dropdown and assign issues to them.

Then I refreshed my dev instance - I cloned a new dev from prod and got it working. Then I updated it with the same procedures I documented from my earlier rehearsal. The update seemed to succeed, but this time I'm unable to see groups in the dropdown to assign issues to them.

Thanks in advance,

ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]
Rails 2.3.14
mysql ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.46, for suse-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.1
Ruby-aware server? lighttpd?
(the output of the'RAILS_ENV=production script/about' command was 'No such file or directory')

Replies (1)

RE: Cannot add users to groups after version update - Added by Dave Shellenberger almost 13 years ago

We tried creating a new group after the update but it isn't working. Based on what we saw with earlier testing, we expect to see the groups in the Assignee dropdown list in the Update section. But we don't.
