


Changing a project identifier?

Added by Andreas Neuhaus almost 17 years ago

Hi everybody,

Does anybody know, why a project identifier can't be changed after a project has been created? The only reason that came to my mind is that URLs to tickets/wiki/forums would change, which one should probably prevent if such URLs are public. Are there other reasons? Is it save, to edit a project identifier directly in the database if I don't care about the URLs?


Replies (6)

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Sébastien STOLZ almost 17 years ago

Hi Andreas,

I'm trying to do the same thing because I changed the way my projects are organized. I've changed the value of the identifier in the database and everything is fine except the Configuration part of the project where I can't save anymore the informations about the project (project name, description, ...). I've got a beautiful "Error 1" when I try to save the project configuration.

Otherwise I can still modifiy every module configuration and informations of my project (wiki, repository, issues, ...).

I will try to find how to modify the missing information for the project identifier.

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Andreas Neuhaus almost 17 years ago

Hi Sébastien,

I also changed a project identifier shortly after writing my initial post and had no problems with it. Everything works well. However, the project I renamed was almost empty (except of a few timtracking entries and some tickets)

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Sébastien STOLZ almost 17 years ago


Thanks for your answer, did you try to modify the name (not the identifier) of your project with the web app (not directly in the database) and try to save it after the identifier name change ?

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Andreas Neuhaus almost 17 years ago

Hi Sébastien,

I just tried a few minutes ago. Within the project for which I changed the identifier, I changed the name of the project using the configuration page. There was no error for me. Works fine for me.

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Sébastien STOLZ almost 17 years ago

Thanks a lot. Last thing, can you give me the version number of your redmine installation ?

RE: Changing a project identifier? - Added by Andreas Neuhaus almost 17 years ago

I'm currently running r1354 for about a week now. The version I used when I renamed the project identifier must be around the time of my first post above - r1293 maybe.

Did you inspect the production.log if the error occurs? If errors occur, there are usually more detailled information in the log.
