


Issues with SVN on Non-Public Projects

Added by Ben Tasker over 12 years ago

Hi Guys,

This issue has been driving me spare (bet it's something obvious) so I'm posting here in the hope of help.

We are running Redmine on passenger and have integrated Subversion into it. On most of our projects the repos act as they should (configured to authenticate against Redmine users).

However, on one non-public project (the only np we currently have) we've been having serious issues with svn. It just won't let users authenticate at all!

I briefly solved the issue earlier by completely removing the repo, re-adding it using svnadmin and then updating the redmine database. Unfortunately when the cronjob that runs reposman fired, I got an email saying "Mode change on /path/to repo". Suddenly we can't authenticate again.

If anyone could tell me what it means by mode change or point me in the right direction that'd be very helpful!

