


Problem with text replacement patterns

Added by Karol Rybak over 12 years ago

Hello, i was recently trying to upgrade my redmine installation from 1.0.3 to 1.3.0 i made a backup before upgrading. Since it wasn't working right for some reason after the update i reverted to the old version by reverting files and database. Everything works fine now but some text replacements are not working for example when viewing an issue i get output like:

Added by {{author}} {{age}} ago.

Same thing happens with e-mails

I get : Issue {{id}} has been reported by {{author}}.

However issue title and fields are being generated properly:

Author: -------------
Status: Nowy
Priority: Normalny
Assigned to: ------------
Category: Publikacje

I'm a programmer but i have completely no experience in ruby so it's hard to pinpoint the problem.

If anyone has any idea as to what could the problem be please let me know. I searched the forums to no avail. Thanks...

Screenshot in attachments...