


Extra Category for issues

Added by Frogger 34 over 12 years ago

I would like to add a extra category field for issues.
We now have one, but we would like to have two or more.

We copied the issue_categories, controllers, models, views.
and changed all category to category2, this way we believe we have a new controller.
We also created a new table in de database calles issues_categories2.
All didn't work and our controllers crashes.

Who can help creating maybe a plugin to create a extra category in Redmine,
It will not be a subcategory from the existing category.

Meaning of this is to let the user create new categories in a isssue when he/she believes there has to be a second or third category attached to the issue.

We would like to see them back in gantt and in the issue overview.
If you are a commercial developer, no problem, send me your details.