


fetch value from a custom field using curl

Added by Jai prakash over 12 years ago


I am trying to write a shell script to get the release notes related to a given list of issues.
I was looking to use the curl command for this(REST-API is enabled).
However i am not able do this.

here's what i did.

curl -v -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d @19421.json -u user:pass http://localhost:3000/issues/19421.json

I am looking to use this command in a shell script.When i run this on CL i get values off all the fields associated with the issue.

What is really need is the value of one single field named "Release_Version".

my .json file looks like this

[ {"value":"5.0.2","name":"Release_Version","id":45}