


How can I redirect user to another contoler and its view using redmine hook?

Added by Victor Grigorev over 12 years ago

Good afternoon.. I am writing a plugin for redmine, which sends Email messages to customized groups of users.

I'v allready maken a part of plugin that sends an email and creates groups of users.

But I need to make a hook that will redirect user to my plugin's page.

here's a code of a hook... in hooks.rb (lib folder)

//1 module MyPlugin
//2 class Hooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener
//3 def controller_issues_move_before_save(context={ })
//5 the redirection should be around here
//7 end
//8 end
//9 end

I need to redirect to sender controler (SenderControler.rb) in controllers folder and to action sender (view folder, sender.html.erb). Could you help me to do that...

p.s sorry for my engish..