


Program itself will not show.

Added by dathan phillips over 12 years ago

I have searched through document upon document to see if its simply a hide hotkey i missed. but i doubt that.

here is the process i run through:

launch the server.
launch the client.
connect to server from client.
connection successful BUT
The program itself will not run, it runs in processes, and when i kill the server, i get a message saying my connection to the server has been terminated, and it brings back up the login menu, but the program for editing itself will not appear, nor can i find a way to make it appear. im on 0-6-3 download.

Replies (3)

RE: Program itself will not show. - Added by dathan phillips over 12 years ago

Ive tried re-installing the client; no luck.
Ive tried running in multiple compatibility modes; no luck.
I still have no idea how a program goes from working well one day, to canning the next. it literally worked 8 1/2 hours from the time it stopped working. then i came home from work, and started in on it again, and the program just will not appear. still need much help... if anyone can help me, i would appreciate it... everyone else who is on the server, it works fine for, just me....

RE: Program itself will not show. - Added by dathan phillips over 12 years ago

well i guess i can't get any support...

RE: Program itself will not show. - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 12 years ago

I think you're posting to the wrong forum. These forums are dedicated to Redmine, a project management software.
