


rake generate_session_store requires

Added by Alexander Nottelling over 12 years ago

Hi, i was trying to test redmine in a virtual machine and i am following this guide [[]].

The only thing i changed was svn co 1.4 stable instead of 1.2 and using rails 2.3.14 instead of 2.3.11.

Everything till Step 7 worked just fine, but while i'm trying to 'rake generate_session_store' i get the 'Redmine requires Bundler. Install via `gem install bundler` which i did. So i tried to execute 'rake generate_session_store' a second time, this time i get 'Some gems need to be installed or updated, run `bundle install --without development test` which updates rake to which is not supported by rails (says requirements).

So my question is can i somehow force him to use rake 0.8.7 without bundle install rake first? Or any other solution?

Thanks in advance