


Rmagick 2.13.1 not being detected on Redmine 1.4.0 running on Windows.

Added by Cassiano Monteiro almost 13 years ago

I managed to install ImageMagick and rmagick 2.3.1 following the instructions from this link:

My gem list show rmagick 2.3.1, as below:

*** LOCAL GEMS ***
actionmailer (2.3.14)
actionpack (2.3.14)
activerecord (2.3.14)
activeresource (2.3.14)
activesupport (2.3.14)
bundler (1.1.3)
cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
coderay (1.0.6)
fastercsv (1.5.4)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
i18n (0.4.2)
json (1.6.6, 1.6.3)
mongrel (1.1.5 x86-mingw32)
mongrel_service (0.3.4 i386-mswin32)
mysql (2.8.1 x86-mingw32)
net-ldap (0.3.1)
pg (0.13.2 x86-mingw32)
rack (1.1.3, 1.1.1)
rails (2.3.14)
rake (, 0.8.7)
rdoc (3.12)
rmagick (2.13.1)
ruby-openid (2.1.8)
sqlite3 (1.3.5 x86-mingw32)
tzinfo (0.3.33)
win32-service (0.5.2 mswin32)

But still, Redmine says that RMagick is not available... What am I missing? Does it have anything to do with the gemfile file?

Redmine information page


info.JPG (15.6 KB) info.JPG Redmine information page

Replies (5)

RE: Rmagick 2.13.1 not being detected on Redmine 1.4.0 running on Windows. - Added by Cassiano Monteiro almost 13 years ago


Please, any help on this? Should I fill in a bug report?

RE: Rmagick 2.13.1 not being detected on Redmine 1.4.0 running on Windows. - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 13 years ago

same issue. RM 1.4.1 up and running but says that RMagick is not available

# bundle list   
Gems included by the bundle:
  * actionmailer (2.3.14)
  * actionpack (2.3.14)
  * activerecord (2.3.14)
  * activeresource (2.3.14)
  * activesupport (2.3.14)
  * bundler (1.1.3)
  * coderay (1.0.6)
  * fastercsv (1.5.4)
  * i18n (0.4.2)
  * mysql (2.8.1)
  * net-ldap (0.3.1)
  * rack (1.1.3)
  * rails (2.3.14)
  * rake (
  * rmagick (2.13.1)
  * ruby-openid (2.1.8)
  * tzinfo (0.3.33)

RE: Rmagick 2.13.1 not being detected on Redmine 1.4.0 running on Windows. - Added by Alex A almost 13 years ago

Add rmagick gem record into your redmine Gemfile. Then exec bundle install --without development test

RE: Rmagick 2.13.1 not being detected on Redmine 1.4.0 running on Windows. - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 13 years ago

you think "bindle show" give record "rmagick (2.13.1)" from nowhere?
if you do bundle install --without development test it install rmagick by default from Gemfile.lock
