


Issue After Upgrade

Added by Tom Bean over 12 years ago

Upgrading our redmine installation to the latest version and I am having a bit of a strange issue.

The install is on a Windows Server 2003 machine and I followed the instructions here.

After I had followed the steps, I renamed the new folder structure to the same name as the old. Then, when I try to login it takes me to a page saying "You are being redirected", and it just stays on this page.

If I enter an incorrect username and password it does fail, there does not seem to be anything in the log files either:
Processing AccountController#login (for at 2012-05-13 19:21:30) [POST]
Parameters: {"back_url"=>"http%3A%2F%2Fcwp-dev-tools%3A3000%2Fprojects", "action"=>"login", "authenticity_token"=>"ht5eNWqR43OLL1+mOGOYB9QA0McJSOjdOVy0VG6mpuc=", "username"=>"fdswf`", "controller"=>"account", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"Login \302\273"}
Failed login for 'fdswf`' from at Sun May 13 18:21:30 UTC 2012
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login
Completed in 297ms (View: 16, DB: 0) | 200 OK [http://cwp-dev-tools/login]

Processing AccountController#login (for at 2012-05-13 19:21:35) [POST]
Parameters: {"back_url"=>"http%3A%2F%2Fcwp-dev-tools%3A3000%2Fprojects", "action"=>"login", "authenticity_token"=>"++2CTygluynCWzfCC5xL5CNLzZb8yPtkbys0yUu8yCs=", "username"=>"tomb", "controller"=>"account", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"Login \302\273"}
Redirected to http://cwp-dev-tools:3000/projects
Completed in 578ms (DB: 47) | 302 Found [http://cwp-dev-tools/login]

The first entry is me trying an incorrect login, the second is a valid login attempt.