Failed to update attachment
Added by Pok Lau almost 13 years ago
I had a redmine instance in 1.1 and wanted to enjoy the nice functions of uploading attachments to Issues using the API.
I tried to upgraded my instance to latest 1.4.1 version, failed.
So I gone done a harder pathway, merging changes that are related to the upload attachments into my instance.
After doing that I had never have a success, plus the normal attaching files into Issue functionality was not working at all.
I found that the files_to_final_location
method in app/model/attachment.rb had never been called (which supposed to be called at before_save)
I printed an inspect of the a
object in the save_attachments
in acts_as_attachable and this is what I got
#<Attachment id: nil, container_id: 0, container_type: "", filename: "dummy.xlsx", disk_filename: "120514141249_dummy.xlsx", filesize: 82273, content_type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.dummy...", digest: "a9195e3999130903d063edd5683e83b8", downloads: 0, author_id: 3, created_on: nil, description: "">
I know what I'm doing sounds crazy, but any one have any idea what might go wrong/how I can fix it?