


Gantt and Tickets

Added by Anna Muehl over 12 years ago

Hi together,

at first - sorry for my bad english... :(

I have a problem with the Gantt-diagram and the Tickets. To plan a project, i created some tickets, all works fine...
But now i have the problem that a ticket can only start, when the a previous ticket is closed/done. That mean ticket#2 can only start if ticket#1 is finished. if ticket #1 starts 01.01.12 and takes 5 days, tiket #2 can start 06.01.12 - but if ticket #1 takes 7 days ticket #2 can first start at 08.01.12... That mean i need a dynamic startpoint for ticket#2 -> the endpoint of ticket #1.
i dont know if it was clear what i wrote, but i hope so :)

Can s.o help me?
