Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Nicolas Vandermeirsch almost 13 years ago
environment:windows server 2003, mysql 5.1, redmine 2.0 with ruby 1.9.3 & rails 3.2.3
My company has been running an old Redmine 0.8 server for years and we are now moving to Redmine 2.0
The previous server was using mongrel_service but it looks like it's not an option anymore with Redmine 2.0 so we used the SRVANY.EXE method and managed to make it work with the following entry in the service/redmine registry
"AppParameters"="C:\Ruby193\bin\rails server -e production"
Is there a better way to run Redmine 2.0 as a service on Windows?
Replies (10)
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Cassiano Monteiro almost 13 years ago
What is wrong with mongrel on Redmine 2.0? Have you checked issue #7688 ?
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Paul Engst almost 13 years ago
I have the same problem at the moment. It seems that mongrel down't work wirh ruby 1.9.3. :-(
"The current release 1.2.5 is no longer able to install in Ruby versions higher than 1.9.2 which is recommendable for Rails35, the fix is to use the much older 1.2.0-pre26 release of Mongrel which isn't stable.
Mongrel however lives on in a new project called Thin7 which is a maintained project that uses the Mongrel parser."
The last two days I tried how I can use mongrel with Redmine 2.0 and Ruby 1.9.3. But I think I have to look for an alternative to mongrel.
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Alex Guzun almost 13 years ago
i have problem too
so what to use?
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Paul Engst almost 13 years ago
Details to the problem:
If I have installed mongrel according to the how to, I get a message for a missing msvcrt-ruby18.dll. I found I have to install mongrel in the pre release with "gem install mongrel --pre". After install that there are a lot of error messages like:
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems is deprecated with no replacement. It
will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems called from D:/Webserver/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems
The service is created but seems not to work. At this point I stopped working with mongrel. Because it seems that mongrel is dead. Perhaps it ist possible to get this work, but I think it is better to switch to a living software.
So the next step for me ist to have a look to Thin, Unicorn or a direct integration for Ruby in Apache.
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Paul Engst almost 13 years ago
I think I have a solution!!!
The solution ist not to use Ruby 1.9.3-p194. With Ruby 1.9.3-p125 Thin works fine! Ther is a bug in p194:
Thin needs eventmachine. eventmachine also has to be installed in the lates beta (gem install eventmachine --pre).
Perhaps I will write an wiki-article with my solution.
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Alex Guzun over 12 years ago
That would be cool
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Cliff Peng over 12 years ago
Hi Paul, we are waiting for the wiki of your solution.
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Alex Guzun over 12 years ago
im still running redmine via cmd and webrick (so i can't loggoff) :(
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago
RE: Trying to install Redmine 2.0 on a windows 2008 serve... might be of interest to you.
RE: Redmine 2.0 as a Windows service
Added by Jon Brown almost 9 years ago
These are the Redmine tutorials that I have written and I hope this helps people.
My Redmine KB Category -
Running Redmine Through Apache on Xampp -
Configure Redmine as a Windows Service -
Install Redmine on Windows -