


Looking to hire help for upgrade

Added by Matt Williams about 12 years ago

Redmine 1.0.3
Ruby Version Manager 1.14.1

I am in need of some help upgrading our current install of Redmine. I am using the above configuration on a Linux VPS for internal project management and bug tracking.

I am not a Ruby programmer and therefore need someone who can look at our current install and give us a quote on doing an upgrade. I do know that there are several customizations done to the install. There is documentation (i.e., Redmine tasks) on these, but I can't say that every change is documented 100%.

It may make more sense to do a second install, port the data, and then let the users see what customizations are missing and/or still needed. I would need help moving any still needed customizations over also.

Contact me here or off-list at matt at Thanks -Matt

Replies (1)

RE: Looking to hire help for upgrade - Added by Matt Williams about 12 years ago

Is there a better place than this forum to find help such as this?
