


some problem in changing redmine's port

Added by sam wu about 12 years ago

I start redmine like this:
ruby /usr/share/redmine/script/server webrick -e production -b m.y.i.p -p 90 -d
and it runs well,then I create an issue,and the email notifications will send the issue's link to my email which contains the html link tag like: <a href="http://m.y.i.p:3000/issues/16#change-19">16#</a>

pay attention:
the attribute href of the link tag,the port is still the default 3000!!!it means it links to an invalid address when i click it.

the right links:
<a href="http://m.y.i.p:90/issues/16#change-19">16#</a>

It must be something I forget to config.what am I supposed to do?I really don't know how to fix it.

thx advance!

I fixed it!I just login as admin and set the host name which include the port
and It works!