


Repository Help - All Revsions Missing

Added by Kieran Delaney about 12 years ago

Hi, apologies in advance for any potential stupidity. Long term php/git/apache user, new to ruby/rails/passenger.

We've recently started to use redmine, & having several self hosted git repositories on the same server it makes sense to integrate the two - indeed it was the principal reason (along with stability) that we are moving.

Our git repositories are bare & local. I've added the repositories to the settings as appropriate for each project. The repository section on each project shows the file structure so I'm certain redmine can see the repository.

However my problem is that redmine does not see any revisions or branches.

I've added www-data to the git group on the server.

I've run:
$ ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production

However I get three fatal errors (there are three repositories) all ending with unknown function errors (--stdin).

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've scoured the wiki & repository documentation. The only termInology that confuses me is in regards to git being available in the PATH. I can use git from anywhere on the command line, I assume that's correct?