Attached files "Not Found"
Added by Sergey Belov over 12 years ago
Please help. I was googling for 2 days and have not found anything related.
I currently use 1.0.2.stable Redmine with Passenger+nginx and updated to the latest 2.0.3.stable with using same environment.
Upgrade went smooth (which is fantastic BTW) however for all attached files to issues I have "404 Not Found" and URLs are "/attachments/download/6024/filename.png"
No any plugins installed.
I checked nginx logs and its trying to open file in /var/redmine-2.0.3/public/attachments/download/6024/filename.png" failed (2: No such file or directory)
I think it means that URL routing does not work in redmine..
How can I debug it?
Replies (1)
RE: Attached files "Not Found"
Added by Sergey Belov over 12 years ago
anybody had same issue before?