


Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass):

Added by Ruslan Fad about 12 years ago

Processing AccountController#login (for *********** at 2012-07-06 17:06:39) [POST]
  Parameters: {"password"=>"[FILTERED]", "back_url"=>"http%3A%2F%2F********.ru%2F", "controller"=>"account", "authenticity_token"=>"************************/2CoPfIB5Yw=", "username"=>"***", "action"=>"login", "login"=>"*************"}

NoMethodError (undefined method `authenticate' for nil:NilClass):
  app/models/user.rb:245:in `check_password?'
  app/models/user.rb:147:in `try_to_login'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:143:in `password_authentication'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:138:in `authenticate_user'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:30:in `login'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:92:in `process_request'

Can't login after upgrade. Any help?

PS: Clean install worked fine...

Replies (8)

RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Is this using a database to authenticate or LDAP?

It seems like the user has an auth_source_id that isn't valid, or is failing to load... did you run the database upgrade migration from RedmineUpgrade?

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production 

RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Ruslan Fad wrote:

Yes, a run this, no errors.

Odd, what is auth_source_id for the user account in the database? It should be null.

What version did you upgrade from?

RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by Ruslan Fad about 12 years ago

Yea, it's be a 0, not NULL.
I set it to NULL (sqlupdate), but..

An other error:

Processing WelcomeController#index (for at 2012-07-06 19:07:31) [GET]
  Parameters: {"controller"=>"welcome", "action"=>"index"}

NoMethodError (undefined method `session_lifetime?' for #<Class:0xb5bf6908>):
  app/controllers/application_controller.rb:86:in `session_expired?'
  app/controllers/application_controller.rb:75:in `session_expiration'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:92:in `process_request'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:207:in `main_loop'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:441:in `start_request_handler'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:381:in `handle_spawn_application'
  passenger (2.2.15) lib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:252:in `safe_fork'

RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by Ruslan Fad about 12 years ago

Oh, i found
Manually adding the missing var's in ./config/settings.yml


RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Ruslan Fad wrote:

Oh, i found
Manually adding the missing var's in ./config/settings.yml


Ah good catch, I was a bit confused on that one. :)

Guess it was an old version you were upgrading from.

RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by mat taylor about 12 years ago

I am also getting an NoMethodError (undefined method `session_lifetime?'

What missing vars did you add to settings to fix this?


RE: Upgrade Redmine to 1.4.4 can't login: "undefined method `authenticate' " for nil:NilClass): - Added by Ruslan Fad about 12 years ago

compare old and new config
in old this is missing

# Maximum lifetime of user sessions in minutes
  format: int
  default: 0
