


Gmail setup - 504 5.3.3 AUTH mechanism PLAIN not available

Added by Vishal Mehta about 12 years ago

I followed the steps as mentioned in the link

After that, I edited the environment.rb to set action mailer to true which was previously false.

However, Unlike mentioned in the above link that I would get an error: "530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first", I instead got "An error occurred while sending mail (504 5.3.3 AUTH mechanism PLAIN not available )"

Also, I haven't been able to fetch the action_mailer plugin from the github for reasons unknown! After running the .script/plugin, it says, ' Plugin not found: ["git://"] '

This seems to be a known problem as per But, on typing $ ruby -v, it gives the version as 1.8.7 instead of 1.9 so that doesn't seem to be the issue here?

Either way, the link above gives a fix which can be done by applying the patch but I am a bit less aware on the process to apply such a patch

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with Redmine 1.3.2 installed

Any help on this will be much appreciated