SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5)
Added by SY H over 12 years ago
Hi, I have a question for using SVN on redmine.
First, My system is like a below.
redmine : 1.2.1(Stable) with IIS 7.5
ruby : 1.8.7
SVN : visualSVN 1.6.16
When I run with Webrick, Redmine finds SVN on system. So I can find the Green Check on Enable SCM ( administration -> settings -> repositories -> subversion )
It works!
but, when I run with IIS 7.5, redmine couldn't find SVN on system.
so I have do a lot of thing on redmine configuration.
1. Set the path ( visualSVN/bin ) on system.
2. Change command name in config/configuration.yml
scm_subversion_command: svn
scm_subversion_command: "svn.exe"
scm_subversion_command: svn.exe
scm_subversion_command: c:\program files\VisualSVN server\bin\svn.exe
scm_subversion_command: "c:\program files\VisualSVN server\bin\svn.exe"
It doesn't work!!!
log is like a below:
SCM command failed, make sure that your SCM command (e.g. svn) is in PATH (C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin;c:\ruby18\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\)
You can configure your scm commands in config/configuration.yml.
Please help me!
(I think that this problem related on IIS permission. Am I right?...but I can't find any solution..)
Replies (6)
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by Olivier LAHILLE about 12 years ago
Same pb for me with TortoiseSVN
any answer ? ???
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by C F about 12 years ago
Hi there. I've had the ... interesting experience of working on this problem with a colleague. Fortunately for all he documented a fix (for the Helicon Zoo platform, but will work generically).
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by SY H about 12 years ago
Thanks C F !
I've solved this issue!!!!
It's really big help to me!
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by Olivier LAHILLE about 12 years ago
this URL does not work ???
pls give me the way to correct it ?
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by C F about 12 years ago
that url should be up now. seems it was down just for a moment...
RE: SVN doesn't work on Redmine. (with IIS 7.5) - Added by Gard van Iersel over 7 years ago
For anyone looking at this in 2017 or later: the above URL containing the supposed solution is not available anymore.
After quite a bit of (soul) searching, I found that setting the IIS Application Pool user to LocalSystem instead of using the default ApplicationPoolIdentity (or NetworkService, which I usually prefer) did the trick.
SCM command should be the default 'svn', and of course you still need to have your PATH defined properly.
Note: Verified in Windows 2016 + IIS 10, but guessing it'd work the same in older versions.