


Redmine fails after two runs

Added by frust rated about 12 years ago

Heres my issue guys, I work at company x and we use redmine a LOT. I have been charged with the task of migrating redmine to a different server with a different databse backend (from postgres to mysql) and for the most part everything is working... except... When I run redmine with apache which I've set up as a virtual host, modfcgi seems to be failing after the first two successful runs of redmine >.< Here is the error trigger when it fails:


[Tue Jul 10 11:46:29 2012] [error] [client <ip omitted>] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/var/www/redmine/public/dispatch.fcgi" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
[Tue Jul 10 11:46:29 2012] [error] [client <ip omitted>] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/var/www/redmine/public/dispatch.fcgi"

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine fails after two runs - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

I find the easiest way to get rid of the heap of fcgi issues is to move onto Mongrel or Passenger.

RE: Redmine fails after two runs - Added by frust rated about 12 years ago

Hey, thanks I'll def check it out, however...
UPDATE: It works? After failing initially without fail (irony?) it works consistently if i leave it alone >_<
Ill try the others for sure because a wait time in unacceptable really...
