


Internal error when view the diff when using the redmine with git

Added by c q about 12 years ago

I have install the redmine 2.0.3 and git on Centos server.

The redmine directory and the git repositories directory's owner is apache.

If I create a project on the git, the redmine can find the file and change history of it.

But when i click the "diff" button , the redmine give a internal error.

From the production.log , I got the following messages:

Started GET "/projects/demo/repository/diff?utf8=%E2%9C%93&rev=f3006a03cecb45aca98fd078d756c6c820b04143&rev_to=93be2a01746370837ab21b529872af4cf59af5f4" for at Sat Jul 14 21:54:25 +0800 2012
Processing by RepositoriesController#diff as HTML
Parameters: {"rev_to"=>"93be2a01746370837ab21b529872af4cf59af5f4", "rev"=>"f3006a03cecb45aca98fd078d756c6c820b04143", "utf8"=>"?., "id"=>"demo"}
Read fragment views/repositories/diff/15/5abe46b2dcc10a9813aaefa513870c5d (0.2ms)
Read fragment views/repositories/diff/15/5abe46b2dcc10a9813aaefa513870c5d (0.4ms)
Rendered common/_diff.html.erb (0.9ms)
Write fragment views/repositories/diff/15/5abe46b2dcc10a9813aaefa513870c5d (1.3ms)
Rendered repositories/diff.html.erb within layouts/base (9.5ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 217ms

ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)):
13: </p>
14: <% end >
16: <
cache(@cache_key) do ->
17: <
= render :partial => 'common/diff', :locals => {:diff => @diff, :diff_type => @diff_type} >
18: <
end -%>
app/views/repositories/diff.html.erb:16:in `_app_views_repositories_diff_html_erb___1110314630_23725927555000'

So , Please do me a faovr how to fix it?

thank you very much!
