


There is no sys directory in "/PATH/redmine/public/"

Added by tao tan about 12 years ago

I have install the redmine 2.0.3 and git on Centos server.
when i run this command "/usr/local/bin/ruby /data/redmine/extra/svn/reposman.rb -s /data/redmine/git_repositories/ -r -u /data/redmine/git_repositories --scm git -k 48uXLU1Qld1fHMTlj4gX -g apache -o apache --verbose /var/log/reposman.log" .
I got the following messages "querying Redmine for projects. Unable to connect to Failed. Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error."

The configure file of httpd is :

\VirtualHost *:80\
DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production
DocumentRoot /data/redmine/public
<Directory "/data/redmine/public/">
Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location />
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
FCGIWrapper "/usr/local/bin/ruby /data/redmine/public/dispatch.fcgi" .fcgi
<Location /data/redmine/public/sys>
AllowOverride all
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
#Deny from all


In fact ,there is no sys directory in "/data/redmine/public", do you have any idea about this? thanks a lot.