


Correct way to set 'HOME' environment variable for Redmine-Passenger?

Added by Jon Jaroker about 12 years ago

Hello, I have Redmine 2.0.3 running with passenger-standalone.

The redmine logs show the following warning: svn: warning: Can't open file '/root/.subversion/servers': Permission denied

Redmine is running as the redmine user, and does not have permission to the root directory. These warnings disappear when the HOME environment variable is set to /home/redmine.

I currently set it in redmine/config/environment.rb file like this: ENV["HOME"] = "/home/redmine"

Will this survive an upgrade?

Can anyone suggest a better way to set environment variables?

Thank you,

Replies (1)

RE: Correct way to set 'HOME' environment variable for Redmine-Passenger? - Added by Jon Jaroker about 12 years ago

To answer my own question, in case anyone sees a similar issue: The simpler way is to set the environment variable in the passenger command used to start redmine.
