


Cannot find redmine mail settings

Added by Thomas P about 12 years ago


I use Redmine 1.4.4.stable (MySQL) on a Debian server.

I installed Redmine with the Debian package (a very old Redmine version, i do not know which) and configured the smtp server for email sending and everything worked perfectly.
Then, I upgraded Redmine to 1.4.4 and something with the configfiles changed, I think, but everything worked fine.
Now, my hoster switched to another server and the SMTP-Settings must be changed, but I can not find the file, where this is configured.
But it must be anywhere, because when I send a test e-mail with redmine, it says "An error occurred while sending mail (Invalid mail address 'username' )", and the 'username' is the old user for the SMTP Server!

The /usr/share/redmine/config folder contains the following:

35.png (46.8 KB) 35.png contents of /usr/share/redmine/config

Replies (2)

RE: Cannot find redmine mail settings - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Hi Thomas,
where are your configuration.yml and database.yml? That's where the settings ought to be...
How did you update your redmine, did you use a Debian package (apt-get, aptitude, dpkg)?
Try locate configuration.yml and post the output, that's the file you probably need to change.

RE: Cannot find redmine mail settings - Added by Thomas P about 12 years ago

Thanks a lot!

The file was in

By the way, I used the Debian package for installing and for upgrading.

Now everything works fine! Thanks!
