


Strange Redmine plugin problem. Caching views?

Added by Paweł Jędrzejczyk about 12 years ago

Hi. I just started learning RoR and Redmine. I am writing plugin that allows to add custom :top_menu items.
I use Redmine 1.4.4 and Apache Passenger. RAILS_ENV is set to production.

Everything works fine, except for displaying the menu items. The problem is that everytime I refresh the page (no matter which one) after adding, deleting or editing menu item the menu does not update. But when I refresh the page again everything is ok (added items appears, deleted items disappears). The strange thing happen when I refresh the page once again - menu items are not updated.

Of course when I restart Redmine by restarting Apache server menu items are updated, because I am getting them from database, and adding to Redmine's :top_menu in init.rb file of my plugin. Every action (add, edit, delete) apart from modifying database I also modify with push and delete, so displayed menu items should reflect items in database on every page, but it isn't working like that.

My plugin is almost the same as but I use :top_menu instead of :application_menu

Public folder is empty so I guess caching is turned off.

Any ideas?