make project page as homepage
Added by Vasily Bezruchkin over 12 years ago
Let me thank you for the great software.
I have one question though. I have only one project in my redmine installation and I would like the home page to redirect to the project page specifically. See the example:
I want it to display:
I use 2.0.3 version. 1.x instructions don't work for this version.
Thanks in advance for your advise!
Replies (9)
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Nicolas Vandermeirsch over 12 years ago
Try the following, it works for us on Redmine 2.0.0:
In redmine/config/route.rb comment out the following line:
root :to => 'welcome#index', :as => 'home'
and add:
root :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => 'my_project_id', :as => 'home'
Let me know if it works for you.
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Vasily Bezruchkin over 12 years ago
Thanks. It worked fine! Exactly what I expect to see :)
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Bruno Spyckerelle over 12 years ago
To point to a wiki page of your project :
root :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :id => 'wiki_page', :project_id => 'project_id', :as => 'home'
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Vasily Bezruchkin about 12 years ago
Thank a lot, Bruno. It also worked fine.
I've just upgraded to Redmine 2.1.4.stable and your instructions worked fine. Thanks again!
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by R P about 10 years ago
Just applied the same hack to 2.6.2 and it still works.
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by [ Desperados ] almost 10 years ago
it works for me too with redmine 2.6.3
it doesn't work with landing_page plugin
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Super Engineer over 9 years ago
Redmine 3.0
root :to => 'welcome#index', :as => 'home'
root :to => 'projects', :as => 'home'
doesn't work. Redmine crashes.
Whats the right line to set /projects to the Start-Page?
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Elisa D. about 9 years ago
You have to add 'index' action.
root :to => 'projects#index', :as => 'home'
RE: make project page as homepage
Added by Lydia BADREDDINE about 4 years ago
Cette ligne fonctionne bien sur mon Redmine en version 4.1.0.stable
This line works well on my Redmine in version 4.1.0.stable
root :to => 'projects#index', :as => 'home'
A modifier dans redmine/config/route.rb
To be modified in redmine/config/route.rb
Ne pas oublier de relancer l'application Ruby pour appliquer les modifications.
Don't forget to relaunch the Ruby application to apply the changes.
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