


non-member cannot view issues when created in a private project through email

Added by Devendran Jagadisan about 12 years ago

Appreciate if anyone can help me with this, I am running redmine 2.0.3 and configured to receive email using
gmail. I would like allow a user (non-member) to email an issue to private project and able to view it as well as add updates.

Does redmine allow this?

I have allowed non-member user to add & view issues in the roles and permissions section

My email cronjob is

redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" ssl=true port=993 username= password=xxxx project=cs-support tracker=Support unknown_user=create no_permission_check=1

User is able to create a ticket,gets an emailed with the account details but unable view it when logged in.