


Email notifications for "Any event all my projects" are sent using "TO" field in mail

Added by Hinnerk Bruegmann about 12 years ago


in our Redmine 1.3.0 installation email notifications are working perfectly fine with one exception:
When someone sets (in his account options) the option "notify me for any event on all my projects" their email address is being included in the "TO" field of the mail instead of the "CC" field where I would expect it to be. People with default option "only things i watch or i am involved in" end up in the CC field if they are watching the issue.

This makes it hard for people who simply want to "watch everything" to setup proper rules in their respective email clients (e.g. greying out all notifications where they are on CC=watch, and markup all notifications where they are on TO=action-required).

Is there some way to use CC also for the people with the setting above?

Thanks a bunch,